Midnight Horrors Wiki

1x1x1x1 is a Killer in Midnight Horrors. He originates from a test account where many rumors arose about 1x1x1x1 being a "hacker". It was added in Version 1.37.0 (John Doe Update 2022).


His appearance takes main inspiration from the 1x1x1x1 toy design from the Roblox Toys Series 2. He is a blocky 1.0 avatar with black limbs and a translucent green body. A skeletal system can be seen inside his torso. His face has a zipper for a mouth and glowing red eyes. He dons a green sword and a green crown that resembles the Viridian Domino Crown.


1x1x1x1 will start off the round by extending the Timer to around 180 seconds. It will then rush towards the nearest players at a moderate speed identical to the Ultra Coil. 1x1x1x1 will attack with his sword when close to players, it will kill players in 3 slashes (6 with Double Health) while suffering from almost no cooldown. Occasionally, 1x1x1x1 will also perform variations of his slashes, including a short spinning animation dealing damage that can also hit multiple players at once. Furthermore, 1x1x1x1 can perform a dash slash where he lunges/teleports forwards, leaving behind a green trail that quickly disappears. This attack deals lethal damage, instantly killing players without Double Health.

On top of 1x1x1x1's variety of melee attacks, he also has a set of other abilities to back himself up. 1x1x1x1 will often teleport to players, both to catch up to them in a chase or to catch them off-guard. 1x1x1x1 will teleport whenever he has landed a slash onto a player, is too far away from players, or right after doing his Rocket attack. Occasionally, during one of 1x1x1x1's teleports, he will stand still and aim his Rocket Launcher at a player, before firing a Rocket Missile at the target. The rocket can be dodged by stepping to the side but if it hits the player, it will deal heavy damage and instantly kill anyone without Double Health that are within it's blast radius. After it does this, 1x1x1x1 will teleport to another player and continue chasing like normal.

While 1x1x1x1 goes on his killing spree, THREATs will often pop up on players screen in random amounts, always increasing in number when 1x1x1x1 is closer in proximity. These THREATs will hinder the player's vision and cause a very minor screen shake effect with the intent to hinder the players and deduct their chances of escaping and surviving against 1x1x1x1. While most THREATs don't seem harmful, 1x1x1x1 is capable of sending a TRUE THREAT to multiple players at once, bringing up a pop up on players' screens, displaying a message and a Timer bar that fills up. Next to the Timer bar is an "Abort" button, if the player clicks the Abort button before the Timer bar fully fills up, the TRUE THREAT will disappear, allowing the player to continue surviving (unless they encounter it again). If the said player does not click the Abort button in time, they will be instantly killed and multiple THREATs will pop up on the player's screen at fast rate, quickly covering the said player’s screen before the player respawns. 1x1x1x1 will send TRUE THREATs to players roughly every 10 seconds.


  • 1x1x1x1 can catch up to players using Ultra Coil as his THREATs' screen shake cause them to stray side to side, ultimately allowing him to catch up slowly.
  • 1x1x1x1's dash attack and TRUE THREATs will fully bypass Blue Relic while the rocket's damage will be greatly reduced. No other attacks will bypass Blue Relic.
  • 1x1x1x1 will not chase ally NPCs but will instead, corrode them when nearby, rapidly dealing high damage over time.
    • Corrosion only applies to ally NPCs and not players.
  • Like all killers that were added in Version 1.37.0 (John Doe Update 2022), 1x1x1x1 has stun immunity.
  • It's possible to go an entire round without getting a TRUE THREAT in a populated server.
  • 1x1x1x1 will not create any THREATs to nearby players when there is no available players to target.
  • There are rare instances where 1x1x1x1's dash attack leaving players at 1 HP despite doing enough to kill them.
  • 1x1x1x1 is unable to teleport at will; he can only teleport if he lands a hit or if the nearest player is over a couple hundred studs away.
  • Using any form of killer ignore after receiving a TRUE THREAT and failing to click the Abort button will block the attack but will not stop the onslaught of THREATs. The THREATs that spawn due to failure to clicking the Abort Button will not despawn and cannot be stopped (unless the player dies) even after 1x1x1x1 despawns.


  • 1x1x1x1, bharati and Noli are the only Version 1.37.0 (John Doe Update 2022) killers that don't extend the Timer on each kill.
  • This version of 1x1x1x1 isn't his true appearance, as it's based on his ROBLOX Toy.
  • In one of it's THREATs, the decal of the 1x1x1x1 ROBLOX Toy is displayed.
  • 1x1x1x1 appeared in the thumbnail for Version 1.37.0 (John Doe Update 2022) of Midnight Horrors alongside Jane Doe.
  • Despite 1x1x1x1 threatening to "hack your account", he isn't actually a hacker.
  • 1x1x1x1's THREATs take the appearance of a ROBLOX Client crash message, but modified.
  • 1x1x1x1 currently appears in another Roblox game titled Oculus' Game, a game also made by CaptainSpinxs, and is capable of spawning in Wave 10 or higher, specifically the 'Impossible' difficulty.
  • During Moviestar rounds, 1x1x1x1's display will be changed to "THE CLASSIC".
    • This may be a reference to a Official Roblox Event, where 1x1x1x1 Actualy apears as a boss in a Live event
  • 1x1x1x1 used to have a bug in which if he fired a rocket missile, there would be a chance he would completely break.
    • This bug can still occur if there are no available players to teleport to after he shoots the rocket (though he can still send THREATs and TRUE THREATs).
  • 1x1x1x1 will turn players, noobs, and pumpkin minions into grayscaled dummies on kill. Chicklins will only be turned gray on kill.
  • In Version 1.55.0 (April Fools' 2024), 1x1x1x1 was renamed to "One by one by one by one is back".

