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Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend is a joke Killer in Midnight Horrors.


Like most Killers in Midnight Horrors, Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend will immediately start chasing nearby players once spawned, Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend will slide across the floor at very high speeds (probably being faster than the Emerald Coil) toward players. Once Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend is in attacking range of any players, it will begin erratically clipping in and out of the ground in an attempt to make contact with the player. Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend will do low damage to players but to make up for this, Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend doesn't have a damage cooldown. Sphere (Not-Yo) attacks are hard to predict due to his speed as he is similar to the killer Monkey.


  • If you have Killer-Ignore on, Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend will just float slowly.
  • Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend makes grunts each time he attacks someone.
  • Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend will bypass the effects of the Relocate Trap, as it will not be sent back to Oculus.
  • Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend is so fast that it can sometimes clip through walls and get stuck
    • Because of this, none of the available coils can outrun Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend, including the Emerald Coil.


  • In Version 1.43.4, Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend and Sphere Friend were given new faces, this is to distance themselves from being related to MUGEN, or VESZTESEG.
  • In Version 1.21.0, Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend was very broken.
    • He was later fixed.
  • In Version 1.20.0 (April Fools' 2021), Sphere (Not-Yo) Friend replaced Sphere Friend.

